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There are not to many rules to using the forum it will be run on how you would like to be treated and treat others Most Importantly FRAUDULENT MEDIUMS ACT 2008.By the new regulations we have to state the following information.Mediumship and Psychic ability despite being recognised for over 100 years is STILL NOT scientifically proven. So please look upon this meeting and demostrations as Entertainment and / or Experimental. We hope that if our Readers have given you any Information, they have meaning, with this knowledge, you can leave this forum feeling safe that we have done everything we can to protect you. You are then free to make your own mind up about the Spiritual Movement.1, No personal insults will be tolerated. 2, People will have a difference in believes and faith please be tolerant and respectful of this. 3: This is not a business forum and unless your business is relevant to the thread it will be deleted. 4: We accept no responsibility for the forum post we will monitor them as much as possible but it will not be possible to get it right all of the time. Please if you see something we should know about just email us. 5: This forum is free and will remain free as long as possible it is to help people develop their gifts, share experience and above all help other people, so all please play nicely and get on with each other.6: Under no circumstances will users give permission/Passwords to non members of SB to use their accounts. Anyone found to be Misusing their account will be deleted without warning!7: we would like Positive thoughts on the forum we will not tolerate any negatives anyone found to bring negative vibes to the forum then we will have no allternative but to suspend their accountsAnyone found pm'ing any of our members to join other forums will find themselves banned!!!